Nokia 1020 pushed back to mid-September for Australia

The undisputed best camera smartphone available, the new Nokia 1020, will now not be available in Australia until mid-September.


Smartphone review sites are unanimous that that Nokia’s 1020 41/34 megapixel smartphone is streets ahead of any other smartphone camera. But can you make the move to the Windows Phone operating system? That is the question.

For me it is easy. I am already using a Nokia 720 so I am already using Windows Phone and I love it. Depending on the price here in Australia I will be moving to upgrade to the 1020. Maybe not as soon as it is released because the initial release price is usually very high and I prefer to by my mobile phones outright and not bundled into a plan. But as soon as it drops a couple of hundred dollars after the initial release then I will probably upgrade from my 720.

The depth of field, focus, colour rendition, resolution, and exposure of the camera in the 1020 is a significant leap ahead of anything else currently available. Pictures taken with the 1020 are very close to the quality expected from a mid-range compact and this is pretty amazing considering the tiny relative physical size of the sensor.

Following are  few random examples from the Web. All taken using the 1020 which is now available in the USA.

Sadly I can only show them at 650 pixels wide which sort of dilutes the amazing quality of the full sized images. Clicking on the images will take you to the originals on the Web but beware that some of the images may take a small time to open as they can be large (the last one is massive). Oh, and it is sort of pointless opening these larger versions if you are using a tablet or smartphone to view them.






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