Android is the new Windows (possibly)
Paul Thurrott has called it. Android is the new Windows.
This is a huge statement.
Why would a respected Windows reporter like Paul make such a statement?
Android phones are selling so well that in the September quarter. There were five Android phones sold for each iPhone sold. In the quarter there were an unbelievable 122.5 million Android phones sold. That is just in the quarter—in just three months.
Overall in the quarter Android took 74 percent—just under three quarters—of the total market share of smartphones! The iPhone picked up 14.4 percent. The remaining 11.6 percent went to all the other smartphone systems that are battling to stay relevant. This includes the Blackberry RIM system, Symbian, MeeGo, and Microsoft’s Windows Phone 8.
As for the number one mobile phone manufacturer—that is far and away Samsung. Samsung now have a whopping 22.9 percent of the market compared to 5.5 percent for Apple. Nokia are still managing to hang onto second place with 19.2 percent market share.
So . . . Is Paul right? Is Windows no longer king?