Averaging 100 Uniques (SCN Still in Top 10)
Over the last 30 days I have averaged 100 uniques per day. While this is actually seriously pathetic when compared to the number of people surfing around the Web all the time it is an unexpected and very welcome increase in visitors for my little site.
For about the last 12 months or so my average per day uniques have hung stubbornly around the 65 to 70 mark. But just over the last few weeks I have had some days where the number of unique visitors hit 144—which happened on two days in the last 30.
As I say, compared to the estimated 200+ million people active on the Web at any given time, and the almost two billion that have accessed the Web over the last 100 days, my average of 100 uniques per day is pathetic. Seriously; it is. A bubble plot showing popular Web sites printed on 4A0 paper—which is four square meters in size and measures 2.378m x 1.682m—would not even show my site as a very sharp pencil dot.
But at least my average uniques are going up. Even if they are increasing extremely slowly.
For anyone interested here are the Top 10 most popular viewed postings from the last week.
Notice that none of the Top 10 direct link pages are current postings from the last few days and in fact some of them are quite old.
It is good to see my posting from the 24th of October of seriously cute niece (SCN) at Falls Farm has actually gone up a slot from 7th spot to 6th spot—compared to my last Top 10 check (here).
I really don’t understand why “Any Ideas for Stuff to Post?” is number 2. That is simply bizarre. I had to go and check that posting to see if I could work out what wording or text is in that posting that was causing it to get the views. But I have no idea. Very odd. Can’t work that out at all. But obviously something that people are searching for is causing Google or Bing to put that posting up in the results.
With others, such as the posting “Amazing Transformation: Designed Desktop Wallpaper” (shown at right)—which is at number 4—it is rather obvious why they are popular.
Oh well I guess I just keep posting until I don’t feel like doing it any more and, with a bit of luck, the number of unique visitors per day will keep going up.
P.S: Although my daily uniques are going up the number of comments seems to be going down (hint, hint).