Chevy Chase: The Killing of the Oceans
Dammit! I missed it. Apparently June 8th was World Oceans Day. Not that I am sure what I would have done on World Oceans day.
Anyway . . . .
Anyone who is a regular reader of my postings (which would be about four people) will know that I am concerned about the oceans and the fish. I have posted on this subject a couple of times.
It seems that Chevy Chase—who it turns out is a lifelong environmentalist and activist (who knew?)—is also concerned about the oceans. Chevy Chase has an article on CNN called “Our lack of attention is killing the oceans” and I would suggest that anyone interested should have a quick read.
The CNN (Continuous News Network) article is here [use Ctrl+Click to open in a new Tab].
Following is a quote from the posting:
The ocean is a massive, unexplored area of our planet, and in the U.S., we spend less on getting to know it than we spend on getting to know outer space.