Plot of a Human Male's Interest and Attention

Following is a graph that plots the relative interest and attention rating of the human male using a number of more or less common objects and events as a guide.


[Ctrl+Click on the graph to open a larger version in another Tab if you are having trouble reading the data points]

While the graph itself is an original work of mine (using Excel 2007) the concept and most of the data points have been adapted from a illustration found at [Ctrl+Click to open Maxim in a new Tab]. The actual Maxim illustration can be found here [Ctrl+Click to open in a new Tab].

If you study at the original work at Maxim you will notice that I have added some of my own data points and also removed some of theirs. This was done in order to make the finished graphic fit into my page width.

When I came across this illustration via Digg—a scrap of which is shown at left—I found that, for me anyway, it did not really immediately impart to me the key truth that it is trying to highlight. This is that, all things being equal, for the human male there is very little that can compete with boobs for our attention if they happen to be in the near vacinity and belong to a female of interest (surprisingly there are boobs that can be of little or no interest whatsoever, but I shan't go into the details of that).


50 is the Target for Feb


2,942 Diggs: How Do They Do It?