Semi-humorous Graphs: Age vs. Consumption of Pills
Welcome to my fourth “Semi-humorous Graphs” posting.
Back when I was around 20 and 30 years of age I didn’t take many pills of any kind. Oh sure, now and then I tried some vitamin supplements because everyone else seemed to be doing it back then. And maybe once or twice I took some pain killers for a toothache—not that any kind of over-the-counter pain killers ever seemed to work for toothache.
But, by and large, up until I was about 35 or so there were no pills that I consumed on a regular basis.
Probably by around 50 I was a bit more into vitamins and was consuming some kind of supplement on a regular basis. Generally Vitamin C and Vitamin B, and occasionally just multivitamins. Also, while I had not had to use pain killers much in my life prior to this, at 50 I was finding that I was turning to painkillers for one reason or another at least three or four times a year. At this point I was also on blood pressure medication.
I am now 71 and:
I am still on the blood pressure meds (which, to my surprise, seem to have worked very well since I was first put on them);
it seems I am very low on Vitamin D, so I am taking regular Vitamin D supplements;
I have also developed type 2 diabetes (back at around 60) which everyone will get if they live long enough—so I am on four Metformin tablets a day to keep my glucose levels down;
as is the case for many at this age, I have lower-back sciatic pain and I take about six pain killing pills per day for that (which don’t work very well); and
I have trouble sleeping so my doctor has recently put me on something that is supposed to help me sleep—which up until this point have been a complete failure.
Hence, I decided to put a curve on this.
Don't forget this takes into account all pills you consume including supplements.
I think this is pretty close even though at 90, should I make it that far in life, I hope I am not actually consuming half a cup of medication.