My 2024 Weekly Photograph Challenge

Back when I retired in 2019 I kicked off a daily photograph challenge for myself. The idea being that challenging myself to post a new picture every day would somehow drive me to keep active and force me to take a few photographs each and every day in order to pick out an interesting one to post.

This challenge didn’t work out that well.

I got to day number 22 and didn’t post any more photographs.

I didn’t even make it through January of 2019 before I failed the challenge.

This time I am going to lower the bar. My niece often points out to me that I keep setting my bars too high in most of the things that I take on.

Taking her advice, this time I am going for a photograph posted weekly rather than daily. With this significantly lowered-bar plan, instead of having to take enough pictures to post 365 interesting photographs in the year I will only have to take enough to post 52.

I think a photograph posted per week is going to be a much easier challenge for myself.

Apart from the challenge of posting a photograph each week I want to post pictures that are interesting—i.e., not totally boring. So there will be no sunsets and no beach shots. There could, however, be the occasional cat picture but I will try to limit such photographs to one per quarter.

I think I will create a ‘tag’ in SquareSpace so that I can tag the pictures in the challenge. The tag is “52Photos”.

Size and Resolution

The image(s) posted to my Web site ( will be a larger size, typically at least 2000px on the long side, and of lower compression (i.e., higher resolution).

All images posted to the Web site can be clicked on to see a larger version. Just how large will depend on the size of the screen you are using.


I will post a smaller lower-resolution version of the main picture to Facebook and will provide the Abalook link to the corresponding posting on my site. The posting on my site will generally contain much more information about the photograph and may include additional photographs taken at the location.


If you have any suggestions for rustic subjects or ruins that I might be interested in photographing then please leave a note in the comments section. Note that to leave a comment you only need to provide a first name and you can, if you wish to, make that up.


52 Photos: Wk01—Neta Vale Telegraph Station


Morawa Scene: Article 04—The Ledger