Added 500 pixels photography posting site to sidebar
I can't believe I have not added this site to my sidebar long before this. This is the 500 pixels photography site (500px). Here you will find some awesome photographs taken by serious takers of pictures from around the world.
All images are larger than shown in the blog. Click on any picture to see it larger.
From 500px, taken by Daniel Herr
While, in my opinion, some pictures are over-Photoshopped they are mostly all great pictures.
From 500px, taken by G. Arnason
You will find all kinds of pictures on 500 pixels: fashion, landscapes, animal, nudes, macros of flowers and insects, stunning portraits, colour and mono, and much more.
From 500px, taken by Lorleon
Here is the kind of picture I would l liked to have taken. Which reminds me, I have a really old typewriter around here somehow. Sadly I don't have a really old desk to put it on though.
From 500px, taken by Christain Boss
If you register at 500 pixels by creating an account then you get to vote on the pictures and leave comments for the photographer. Your votes then increase the points earned by the picture and it inches closer to the top of the list.
From 500px, taken by Roy Sevit
So the next time you are wasting time on the Web and have run out of sites to look at, you might want to spend ten minutes or so over at 500 pixels.
See the sidebar for the link. This link will take you directly to the 'Popular photos' page.