At Busso: Tributes on the Beach, 2nd Edit

I really like the picture I took of the pastel blue sexy Tribute heels on the beach at Meelup on Tuesday. Sadly this picture did not get the sought after 90 points at 500 pixels that are required to position it near the top of the popular listing—even if just for a little while; a few hours or so before it decays and falls down the list.

However, I have done something I rarely do. In fact I think this could be the first time I have done this. I re-edited the very same crop of the same picture. In this re-edit I have made four changes compared to first edit. Three of the edit changes involve the shoes, and one of them doesn't.

I wonder if anyone can pick the four new edits?

Click to make Larger

One of the edits is something I avoid doing, which is removing something from the picture. As an 'old' photographer I tend not to do this. Which is the reason why I didn't do it in the first edit. But this time I just felt I really needed to remove 'it'.

The other three edits are standard minor adjustments that photographers make to improve the picture a wee bit.

I might actually re-post this picture to 500 pixels to see if it gets any more votes. It would be an interesting experiment.


Reserve Bank Keeps Its Powder Dry


At Busso: Some Taffys and the Lavender Shop stuff