Some porn statistics for 2015 from Pornhub

Just in case anyone thought otherwise, porn on the Internet is alive and well. Pornhub have revealed their statistics for 2015 and all the numbers are up on 2014. Also, when looking at these numbers you have to remember that this is just for Pornhub and does not take into account traffic and usage of all the other porn sites on the Internet; including Tumblr which some analysist suspect gets even more traffic than Pornhub.

Here are few of the numbers from Pornhub.

The amount of data downloaded from Pornhub for 2015 was 1,892 petabytes (1,892,000 terabytes).

The average streaming rate for Pornhub during 2015 was 75 gigabytes per second.

Visitors to Pornhub watched 4,392,486,580 hours of porn. That’s 2.5 times longer than homo sapiens have been on the Earth.

There were 21.2 billion visits to Pornhub in 2015.

The following shows the Top 10 countries from proportion of visitors to Pornhub.

The next graphic shows the average duration of visits to Pornhub by country.

As noted, these number are for Pornhub only. It would be interesting to see statistics covering all porn traffic. If I come across this data I will post the numbers up.


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