Cataloguing my Pictures: Yornaning Dam 'park'

The following pictures were taken at the Yornaning Dam park in December 2011.

Yornaning, south of Popanyinning and north of Cuballing, used to be a small town. Now, like so many small siding towns in the wheat growing areas of Western Australia, it is just a 'locality'.

Now that it is no longer needed for drinking water, the Yornaning Dam site has been turned into a 'kind of' park. You have the Yornaning Dam, which, as the water is no longer drawn off, usually actually has water in it. On either side of the dam—although the west side is more accessible than the east side—there are areas suitable for parking and camping.

More recently the Cuballing Shire has installed a drop toilet and a play area for children.

As usual, my pictures of Yornaning are not of the dam itself as there are probably gobs of those picture elsewhere on the Web. My pictures are of some things around the camp site that I found interesting to photograph when I was there.

I have no idea what the following flowers are called. My friend's wife would have known, but I can't ask her. She has left this world, hopefully for a much better one. But as we walked around the Yornaning Dam these bright purple flowers just glowed in the undergrowth. It was like someone was shining a light on them, even though they were actually partially in shadow.

The next shot shows one of the benches and seats at the dam. In this shot you can also see a small part of the dam itself in the background.

And no ... I did not take this picture on an angle. As you can tell from the dam and water in the background, the picture itself is level. It's the bench that slopes!

I really like this picture for a number of reasons. I like the typical brown gravel 'finish' on the ground that just about all West Australian camping grounds have. I like that the ground has sunk under the right-hand side of the bench so it slopes and that weather-worn grey looks that all wood gets when it is left out in the Australian sun. I like the dying wild oats on the right of the picture and the large quartz rock on the left—which may have well been left over from the digging of the dam.


Cataloguing my Pictures: Bright orange fungus on fallen tree


Cataloguing my Pictures: Working at Worsley